Saturday, February 13, 2016

Eagle's Night Out

     Last night Eisenhower Elementary held Eagle's Night Out.   For those unfamiliar with what this night is, the students are invited back to school in the evening to spend the night and have a great time together enjoying some special programs.  
     The night started off with a National Champion BMX bike rider named Matt Wilhelm.  Matt is a world class bike trick specialist.  He was a three time X-Games champion as well as a National Champion bike trick champion.   The things he could do on a bike were truly amazing.  What I liked most about Matt's performance was the message he had for our students.  Matt shared how he was picked on and bullied as a child because of his ears and his small physique.  He shared a particular story about a time when he was pushed off his bike from the top of a ramp by a rather large bully. Matt shared that this was the event that almost made him quit BMX forever.  He recalled that a week after this incident, he met a rather large friend whose name escapes me at this point.  He told how this friend, a fellow BMX rider, invited him into his group of friends and became his "super hero."  The very next week Matt went back to that same ramp that he was shoved down the previous week.  He told how the same group of guys were there that had shoved him the previous week.  Although this time, Matt was with his "super hero." The kids that had bullied him the previous week, said nothing to him and left him alone.  Matt's message to the students was that everyone can be someone else's "super hero."  He had an amazing story to share. I hope the students took it to heart. 
     The next performance the students got to see was Mike Himelgarn. (Not sure I spelled his last name correctly. ). Mike is a ventriloquist and a juggler.  He has the energy of a man on twelve cups of coffee.  He entertained the students for an hour with his array of puppets and juggling. He even got Mr. Parker on the stage to help him.  We all got to see some of Mr. Parker's dance moves.  Mike  is very quick witted, and had the students rolling in the aisles.  My favorite line of the night was when he was just about ready to juggle a bowling ball, a sharp garden tool, and an apple. He told the student who was going to toss the apple to him not to worry because "I've done this trick thousands of time, but not to worry because it has been successful twice."
   After a quick snack of hot dogs, chips, and a soda, the final show of the night was the laser show. The students packed the gym and were amazed by the pictures that were created on the screen by the lasers. I think their favorite part of the laser show was the music.  Much singing was heard in the gym.  
     The students night concluded by watching a movie.  They could choose between Star Wars: A New Hope, or the new version of the Karate Kid.  It was a great night for all the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders at Eisenhower.  This was my 20th Eagle's Night Out.  Even though I didn't spend the night (gym floors and my back don't mix) I had a great time.


1 comment:

  1. Just read about Eagles Night Out. You post a lot of information. Fun night.
